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Have you been feeling stressed or afraid?

Right now, many people are suffering from much higher than normal levels of stress and anxiety, as well as fear and panic. Whether you are afraid for your health or how you will pay your bills, these stressors can take their toll on you. They can even lead to full blown panic attacks.

One very powerful technique you can use to reduce any negative emotion as well as to battle panic attacks is called the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short, or just Tapping. EFT is probably best known from Gary Craig’s EFT Handbook published in the 1990’s. Similar to acupuncture and acupressure tapping stimulates the meridians, or nerve points, to re-balance your neuro-chemistry and improve how you feel.

I’ve created a short guide to tapping below that describes the different points you can use, and two different processes you can use. The next time you are feeling stressed, anxious, or afraid, or suffering a panic attack, use one or both of these methods to feel better.

If you would like a coaching session to learn more about the Emotional Freedom Technique or any of the many other methods you can use to combat stress and anxiety, give me a call or send an email, and we can set up a phone session or have a session on zoom.
I’m here for you during this time.

Stay home. Stay safe. Get outside. And treat yourself and your emotions like they matter. Because they do!

Tapping Points

  1. The pinky side/edge of the hand
  2. The tops of the eyebrows
  3. The sides of the eyes, just below the eyebrows
  4. The cheek bones (orbitals) directly below the eyes
  5. Above the center of the top lip, below the nose
  6. Below the center of the bottom lip, in the hollow above the chin
  7. The top/center of the head
  8. Just below the armpit, high on the ribs
  9. Just below the collar bone

The Three Round Script

Go through all 9 points, tapping each point a number of times while repeating the phrases below several times. On Round 1 you express your negative feeling and that you are not okay with it while tapping all the points. On Round 2 you express your negative feeling and that you are okay with it while tapping all the points. On round 3, you express how you want to feel and that it feels really good while tapping all the points. It’s okay if you miss a few points or go in a different order than the points are recorded here.

Round 1:
I feel (fill in negative feeling) and I am not okay with that.
I feel(fill in negative feeling) and I am afraid it won’t go away

Round 2:
I feel (fill in negative feeling) and I am okay
I feel (fill in negative feeling) and I know that it will go away

Round 3:
I feel better, and I feel(fill in positive feeling the opposite of the negative one) and it feels great.
I feel(fill in positive feeling, the opposite of the negative one) and it feels great to feel better now.

The One Round Script

Go through all 9 points, tapping each one and saying the phrase below several times. You can also replace the phrase below with any phrase that is positive and feels good.

Everything is okay and I am okay.

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at Sun Yi's Academy of Tae Kwon Do
1215 Giuntoli Ln
Arcata, CA 95521

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