Samurai Strategies for Success


How to Survive and Thrive in Tumultuous Times
This video series is designed to help you adapt both personally and professionally to the radical change we are experiencing during this pandemic. In addition to the benefits you will enjoy, you will also learn powerful techniques you can teach to others to help them during this time.

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Maintaining Your Emotional Alignment
Many people have been struggling with negative emotions whether that is depression and a lack of motivation, or increased anxiety and panic attacks due to the pandemic. In this class you will learn how to combat fear and depression in times of stress as well as how to enhance your gratitude and motivation.

Clarifying Your Personal Life Purpose
These difficult times have also caused many people to step back and re-evaluate life, work, and to ask what would truly make them happy. In this interactive class I will guide you through a process of self-reflection to help you identify what is important to you, what you value and are passionate about, so you can gain greater clarity on what you want to Be, Do, and Have in life.

Adapting Yourself Professionally
Many people have also been forced to shut businesses down or radically alter their way of doing business. In this interactive class I will lead you through a brainstorming process that will help you think creatively through ways you can adapt your business, career, or finances to respond to our changing economic landscape.